I closed on my new house on Tuesday, but due to some weird Utah law, I couldn't get in until Wednesday.
I had a moving plan, which was simply that I had no plan. I figured that since it is just down the street, I would take truckloads of stuff when I had time to. I don't have to be out of the rental until May 1st, and I simply was not ready to do a full on move all at once.
When I went to church last Sunday, however, everyone must have gotten word of my move and were insisting on helping. It's such a good feeling to know that there are people out there that want to help me out. I tried explain my plan of having no plan, but they seemed taken aback. So now I have devised a plan, which is actually a plan.
1. I am boxing and moving things with my Pilot. Instead of doing so at a leisurely pace like I had planned, I am taking 2 truckloads in the morning and 2-3 more in the evenings.
2. Saturday, after the kids Easter Egg Hunt, a group of guys are coming to help with some of the larger items that won't fit my Pilot.
3. On Monday, official movers are coming to transport the items that would cause back problems for my friends, such as the piano and library cabinet.
I guess this is a better plan, then my no plan plan. The kids won't be back until Sunday night, and by then I should have 90% of things moved, making the transition easier for them.
Good luck! I hate moving. When Don and I moved to Michigan it was so Hot and so Humid. Love those Midwest Humid Summer Days! Don was dripping in sweat. It was gross. That is exciting though that you have a house!
AW, you really shouldn't post your phone number on blogs. It was so great to see you guys, I'll have to plan a trip back to Concord.
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