Enchanted- Which I saw with my children on New Years Day

Cute Amy Adams
The second row killed my neck
Rewatchable flick.
Rock Hard- The Dewey Cox Story - Which I saw with Mason and his brother Kirk

The Infectious songs
Keep running through my noggin
Didn't need to see Junk.
I am Legend- Which I saw with John and Vern

The Fresh Prince can act
CGI zombies cannot
Every other seat.
Juno - Which I saw with Amber, Melissa and Rachel

Arrested Development
Loved the Dialogue
Impressive! Four movies in a week? I haven't seen four movies in a year.
Even more impressive- Haikus.
I was happy to read your reviews. I've been wanting to see Juno, and I'm glad to see you gave it a thumbs up. I'm sure I'll get around to seeing it once it goes to video.
Feel good movie of the month! It made me want to rush out there, get pregnant, give up the baby, and learn to play the guitar.
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