Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back in the Swing of Things

The above title is actually fitting for a couple of reasons.

Last week I mentioned my sinuses were aching. Well, at that time, I hadn't fully understood the meaning of pain. I think I'm a big boy and have a pretty high threshold for pain, but on Thursday when I woke up and couldn't put on my glasses because my nose and forehead had swollen up to clownlike proportions, well I discovered I had a new threshold. Finally it was time to go to the doctor. He wasn't so amused with my facial anomaly, but gave me a prescription for some military-strength Mucinex. It seemed to help and by the end of the day I was able to go to class with my pal Brandon. At dinner, Brandon felt the need to tell the whole table where Mucinex elects to dispose of the mucus. Thanks again for that visual, Brando. Yuck.

Anyway, I was relieved to have my nose return to it's normal XL today, instead of the XXXL of the previous week. I was worried that Sunday would arrive and I'd still be disfigured. The reason for my nervousness is the other reason that the above headline is apropos. I can't really say too much, without jinxing or spoiling the events of the day, but I'll just say that things are looking up. Sorry, I'm sure I'll be able to tell more later in the week.


SARAH said...

Thanks for leaving us all in suspense. You better post soon so we know what you're talking about!

Bob Conlon said...

Hmmm…maybe by Thursday I can have some sort of reveal.