If you don't watch Mad Men, you haven't been listening to me. It is the most well-written drama on television.
In last night's episode something happened that was a long time coming. Something I wish I had the kahunas to do about two years ago.
Where the Mundane seems Insane
what was it??? don't leave me in suspense!
Bob! We LOVE that show. We watch it every Sunday night. It proves my theory that only cool people watch that show...you being one of them.
I love that Betty FINALLY said SOMETHING!!!! I wonder what will happen. I also felt bad for Joan. Can't wait for next week. I hope they do well at the Emmys.
I can't give spoilers away. But if you must know, you can read about it here:
Okay, I linked from Sarah. Mad Men is our FAVORITE show! And no one seems to know about it! HOpe BEtty can keep up the good work:)
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